Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Knowing i'm like a baby is part and parcel of growing up right?
Only can an adult feel like that right?
Can a baby says I'm too baby-ish?
I dont think so.

Prob I'm an adult but act like a baby.
I make expectations in r/s, in ppl or even God, and when they dont happen I get dissapointed.
Isnt that like a baby, always reaching my hands and recieving? And when people dont give you what they want you feel they dont love you?

Even the most sure and steadfast love I can doubt, but You are always patient and merciful to show me You still love me.

God, I think you are very hurt by my attitude sometimes. I seemed to be always asking you for this and that but not making any effort to love you like not taking time to develop that r/s with you. I think I probably irritaed you many times. Like, sinning against you and still have the cheek to ask you for this and that. Knew you are merciful but I took advantage of that. I think I'm not a good person. I dont see any good in me.

Yet, you've always chased after me with unfailing love.

How can that be?

How true this song is...

"Nothing you can do, to make Him love you more
And nothing you have done, could make Him close the door.
Because of His great love, He gave His only Son, everything was done so you would come.
Broken hearts, broken lives, He will take them all..."
Your grace has found me just as I am, empty handed but alive in Your hands...

I want to stop being a baby and always recieve but as much as I recieved Your sure and steadfast love, may I give as well. May I be patient and merciful as You are.

I want to chase after You.

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