Friday, December 09, 2011

Love your neighbour as yourself!

Jack loved puppies and is excited about getting one. He has been working hard to save and so far, he had $1.63. He went ahead when his mom said OK. When the lady told Jack that each puppy cost $5, Jack face fell. Nevertheless, the lady allowed Jack to play with the puppies. He was having a great time. Their happy faces brought a smile to his.

Out of a sudden, Jack thought of a crippled puppy his mom mentioned. The lady lifted the puppy and handed it to Jack.

Jack was so excited! "This is the one that I want!" Jack exclaimed. "I am going save up and buy him, please don't let anything happen to this puppy." The lady was puzzled.

Why would Jack want a crippled puppy?

Jack pulled out his pants and showed the lady the brace on his leg. His leg was deformed at birth. He said, "I know how the puppy feels. I want to love that puppy. I want to take care of that puppy. I want to make sure the puppy is never scared or worried."

Jack understood, and he was willing to accept and love the puppy. He was ready to truly care for it.

We need to love our familes like that. We're not perfect, so why do we expect our mothers/fathers/brothers/sisters to be perfect?

The lady couldn't resist the love she was sensing decided to give Jack the puppy free!

Summarised and paraphrased from lesson 12- Life story, The Imperfect Puppy.

I'm touched by Jack's love for the crippled puppy. Many a times, we too, are unworthy of God's love but He never fails to love us unconditionally. How can we then not love imperfect others, having been imperfect ourselves too, yet recieving abundant grace and love, being forgiven and loved much by God?

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