Monday, July 24, 2006



I'm just back home from gen12ii thanksgiving and immediately i wanna blog this. ok. today was fine, started out with attachment early in the morning, being bombarded with lotsa info... then went to meet su yi. then went to gen12ii thanksgiving . (in case u do not know what gen12ii is. it is actually a verse from genesis 12:2, "... and I will bless you;... and you will be a blessing." so we are blessed to be a blessing to others. i went to charis student care centre for this gen12ii project. it was an amazing experience. could really see how God worked & more imptly His love for the kids-

k back to the topic. for some reason or other, jus feel tired. not that attachment is tiring but rather, i think its bcos i slept late, and was pretty much affected by certain things... hmmmm. or prob bcos i tried too hard to be encouraging and nice to others with my own strength (instead of God) and i jus felt so tired. to add to that, today's mrt was fully packed and there was a great human jam at the station due to some technical error in the northeast line. 2 of the girls were left behind cos it was too crowded. then, we reached there. we were like on the dot and i couldn't sit with my team too cos there wasn't enough space. also felt that i should met up with my team earlier so we could sit together. felt lousy. i think if its klem, he will surely gather the grp 1st then go as a team... anw, i ended up sitting on the 2nd storey. even as i was seated there, my eagerness of looking forward to this event jus kept decreasing minute by minute... even though i was quite excited abt it 2 or 3 weeks before... but now was like sian-half kinda feeling...

then we had praise and worship. praise was great. could see that they practise alot. and the music was really good. then we enter into a time of worship... as we were worshipping God, suddenly, there was a loud "POMP!!!" from the left side. at the corner of my eye, i saw a glimspe of light and then total darkness. everything went off. no projector(no lyrics), no vocalist, no keyboardist, no bassist, no mike... nothing except pure voices with faint guitar and drums. despite the disruptions, the congregations voices continued. 1st thing that came to my mind, "the system must have burst" then, "thank God no one was hurt". I was really wondering what's wrong today, 1st the mrt thing, now this... did i sinned agaisnt God or is my worship not pleasing to Him? the rest continued to sing in the midst of my thoughts, "How marvelous, how wonderful, and my song shall ever be... how marvelous, how wonderful is my Savior's love for me..."

i rem during my mission trip in thai, there was a particular day that went totally wrong. people began to fall sick and villagers start complaing, etc. but after much prayer, the day's salvation was more than the rest of the other days. i rem my leader told me even as God has planned sth wonderful, satan will always tries to stop it frm happening... but if our God is for us then who can be agaisnt us?

suddenly i do not want to care so much, i just want to be focus on God, to truly worship Him... this time i sang, genuinely to God, "How marvelous, how wonderful, and my song shall ever be... how marvelous, how wonderful is my Savior's love for me..." even as i sang, tears began to flow as i come to realise how true the lyrics are... this was the best worship i had! without the music, my heart was all that i could give to Him and that is all that He wants... without the music, my focus will be on Him only... without the music, it is in His prescence, in His stillness that i can truely sense Him. I begin to realise how superficial my praise and worship has turned into over time... becoming more routine and often distracted by other things that is less impt like how the guitarist strum the guitar, how they move on stage, their voice, coordination, groove, how my own voive sounded... etc.

But God can often turn the worst situation into the best! God can often turn my cold and hardened heart into a soft one. I really thank God for this wonderful experience that i can truly regain my strength, my focus and direction. it was an awesome experience! I thank God bcos He always touch my heart in the most unexpected way! And its always so comforting... I believe if it was not for tonight, soon my bible reading, praise and worship and prayers would soon become a routine reather than what's in my heart...

I learnt sth tonight from God tonight... Man can have their own plans, their own dreams and they can work hard and practise hard for it... Eg. the band practising hard for their song. But when sth unexpectected comes which is not within out control, Eg. bursting of the PA system, often man will not know what to do. But if we leave our plans in God's hands, like what the worship leader did, it turned out to be the best worship! Now i can really understand Prov 16:3, "Commits your works to the Lord and your thoughts will be established."

The amazing thing is that during the sharing of the testimony time, everything went back- lights went on, mike working... and quickly they tested the portable projector and everything's back to normal. and we got to hear how great God has been in this gen12ii project through different participant. It is indeed amazing!

I'm still full of excitement even at this hour!!! :)

Friday, July 21, 2006



I was holding on to my masterlife book in the dark.
Suddenly, I felt something soft beneath the book.
I turned over.
I saw a lizard!!!
dead. crushed.
Screamed and threw the book back on the table.
Whined to my daddy & my bro.
Mummy cleared it off for me.
It still remains in my mind.

But thank God...
it's dead! I can't imagine it crawling around my hands. *disgusted* & at least there's someone ard in the hse, at least i'm in an alert state, not drowsy and jus woken, at least i still have the strength to fling it away, at least i still have the voice to scream, at least i still...

Analogy: The cup is half-filled. Will u describe it as half-empty or half-filled? Well, sharon will say, "at least it's still half-filled..." :)

Ephesians 4:22-32

Ephesians 4:22-32

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its decietful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on te new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbour, for we are members of one body. In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are angry, [which means don't be angry until the sun sets] and do not give the devil a foothold. He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have somthing to share with those in need.

Do not let unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benifit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for redeption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ forgave you.

Monday, July 17, 2006

To James & all those whoose facing the same situation,


Church is a place with people (man). People (man) of God. Wait. Not everyone who attends church is a man of God. Not everyone who attends church is a christian. Not everyone who calls themselves christian are really christians. Going to church doesn't makes you a christian and reading the bible doesn't makes you a christian too. A christian is not about religon or rituals. It is about the relationship with God. The closer you are with Him, the more you want to hear His word and worship Him (going to church), the more you want to talk to Him (pray), the more you want to read His word (the bible) and soon, you'll be more like Him, His ways, values (e.g, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control), character (e.g, God is love) and everything. You began to take interest in what He's interested (e.g, people) It's like having a best friend, and how do you get a best friend in the first place? First, you have to accept him (he must also accept you) and then spend more time together, knowing him, isn't it?

I have a super best friend from my sec sch. Her name is Zhen Wen. I'll tell her anything, everything under the sun, the one I feel comfortable to talk to. We used to be in the same CCA. I'm eager to meet her in school and when my eyes finally met hers one day, I'm elated. I'd tell Jolin (my classmate, not the singer) a whole lot about her. She likes Lin Jun Jie. She's cool and I like the S&K bag she's carrying now. Subconciously, I find myself admiring JJ after she brought me to a JJ party. Then one day, Jolin commeneted that I look cool. haha. That comment reminded me of her. Best friends tend to dress alike. haha. hmmm. Anyway, she knows me and I know her. Of course, there's a period of time I felt that I'm closer to my classmates than her cos we didn't spend time with each other. But just recently, we caught up and whoooo... we can talk on the phone for hours, like how we used to! haha...

Yup. As I've said, man fails, God never. Even in church, don't expect people (man) to be perfect. It's natural to feel sad/disheartened when people are not what you expect them to be. What might come? Hatred, anger? Yes, naturally. But, why do we want to be if we know the value of putting God first rather than man? Filling yourself with hatred only disrupts the fellowship with God. Let God be your super super best friend! Always put your faith and trust in God. Build that relationship with Him and pray! Soon, forgiving will be much easier. Remember W.W.J.D. What Would Jesus Do if He's in your situation? I'm sure He would continue to love them and pray for them. Prayer is trusting, acknowledging that only God can. He's in control, He knows, He sees, He understands. Take heart!

Read Psalms 91. His promises, it's for you. You may still have 101 questions the bible can't answer yet. As Ecc 3 says there's a time for everything. He will answer in time according to His will. Persevere and keep praying! :)
this is beautiful...
click "Donghaeng"

Sunday, July 09, 2006

busy busy busy!

busy busy busy!

Sorry peeeeeps... been quite busy... arrrgggghhhh...
Tell you why...

10 Jul- HS2036 (Patient Edu) ICA (In-Course Assesment)
12 Jul- BCLS (Basic Cardiac Life Support) Theory
17 Jul- HS2118 (Health Psycology) ICA
18 Jul- BCLS Practical
19 Jul- HS1035 (Medical-Surgical Nursing) ICA
24 Jul-11 Aug- Attachment (3 wks @ SGH, Surgical)
14 Aug-25 Aug- Exams (2 wks)
4 Sep-27 Oct- Attachment (6 wks: 1 wk @ SGH, Gyn; 2 wks @ KKH, Paeds; 3 wks @ SGH, Medical)

How to study like that??
I haven't even started!!!
Bao Zha!!! Yun dao... Bengs... Faints...

NO! Heys...
Suddenly i was reminded by a song...

i'm pressed but not crushed,
persecuted but not abondoned,
struck down but not destroyed.

i'm blessed beyond the curse for His mercy will endure

though the sorrows may last for the night but,
His joy comes in the morning!!

i'm trading my sorrows
i'm trading my shame
i'm laying them down
for the joy of the Lord!!!

Amen!! Amen!! Amen!! :) :) :)