Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Things to thank God for:

1) Metamorphosis 07. Regrets not inviting ppl like Jane ho, James, Crystal earlier cos its jus too good. I was awaken from the lies and set free in God's truth! I realise my life is changed not bcos I had some emotional experiences, etc but my life is changed the day I accepted Jesus Christ into my life. I became a child of the Most High God, Holy, loved, of value and worth, nothing can change those truth. Holy not bcos I am perfect. Holy bcos God chose to sacrifice His Son once and for all so that I can be made right with God. Loved, of value and worth, not bcos i'm truly worthy, of value and deserved to be loved but bcos of God's grace and mercy. It's like an old ragged doll being loved by a little girl. She can't have it away for a single day. When she realised that she left it at home on the way to the airport, the whole trip would be cancelled bcos the girl just wouldn't go. This old ragged doll isn't of much value and worth by itself but was made worthy, of value and loved bcos of the little girl. But, why was I inferior and condenmed even when I accepted Jesus Christ into my life? It was bcos I didn't realised my worth. I was blinded, perhaps decieved by the guy who have came to steal, kill and destroy- you know who, that mr sa tan and missed out on the One who came to give me an abundant life. I was like a frog who turned into a prince yet at times still forgetting that I'm already a prince and going back to my old ways of squatting in the pond and eating flies.

2) Lost my 3 most impt card and almost late for work. At first, I thought it was a bad day yet it re-affirms my convictions. It was of course painful to lose sth precious but one qns struck me- is my cards more impt than God? I realised that it is better to lose the cards than to lose God. My life is not worse because of bad circumstances. My life is worse without God. I am pressed but not crushed, persecuted but not abondoned, struck down but not destroyed. Circumstances will not changed my life, even when the world says that I'm condenmed or doomed for the rest of my life. Because my identity and life is not in the hands of this world but in the hands of God. My life is changed the day I accepted Christ- the day I know He has plans to prosper and not to harm me, plans to give me a future and hope; all things will work for the good of those who love Him and who are called according to His purpose. Just like Joseph who was sold by his jealous bros to be a slave, in Egypt, wrongly accused, and thrown to jail yet in the end God made him king and saved his family from famine.

3) Able to give and recieve

4) Friends from attachment, christmas party, metamorphosis07, sjab, pd, ytss, nyp. Thank God for the time together.

5) Family. Thank God for the home where I lay my head every night. The food that's so readily available. The little bickerings I had with my younger bro. The co-operation of writing Christmas wishes, the gifts and the love. Even seeing anyone of you at home brings joy.

6) 2008. Felt unprepared. Haven't had the time to reflect and think ahead. Started 08 with catching up with friends, some sleep, then a hilarous and entertaining wedding. Sleep again and finally setting of resolutions. I've decided that this year resolutions- all my decisions, activities and course of actions will revolve around this, no matter what I do:
To be a Christ-centered, spirit-filled, 100% committed Christ follower, His vessel and laborer that is being immense in God’s love so deeply that His love will overflow out through my life into the lives of others.
To see people becoming all that God intended; finding freedom and true identity in Christ.
To meet the felt needs of people through Christ love to surface real needs in their lives.
To glorify God and fulfill the Great Commission thru the power of the Holy Spirit
Based on God’s truth alone
and so I came out with a couple of goals in regards to general, SJ, work, cell, pkc, spiritual and physical.
Also listed a couple of strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) too.
Strength to develop, weaknesses to work on, opportunities to grab and threats to pray about.
One prominent weakness I see in myself last year was that I lose focus/distracted/give up easily. Do keep me in prayer, encourage me and keep me accountable in this area ok? Thanks all my bro and sis in Christ family. You have truly been a blessing in my life! :)

7) Another sis in Christ i met on the bus from Indoneisa. I see God working in the lives of many others from all over the world. It is exciting.

8) For a little girl that I got to talk to and play games with. I know she's beloved in God's eyes and mine.

9) Sleep and rest. Being refreshed for the new year.

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