Tuesday, April 13, 2010



thank God that He hold me, my foot almost slipped. (i mean not literally.)

thank God for annual leave! i really love this time of the year! been spending time reading for the past 4 days.

Somethings to share here and there. =)


A whole new paradigm shift!

Imagine you've been trying very hard climbing a ladder your whole life. When you reached the top, you celebrate! But as you look around you, you realised that it is not where you wanna be. And then you realised you've been climbing the wrong ladder.


You can have the best car pumped with the best petrol running at 140km/hr. You're efficient, fast, cool, a nitch above the rest. But when you arrived at your destination, you realised that this is not to place you wanna be either. You've headed for the wrong direction.

Managers are like ppl who facilitate the cutting of trees, organizing them and encouraging them to make sure they cut as many trees as they can. Leaders stand on a tall hill, saw the whole picture and shouts, "Stop, we're cutting the wrong forest!"

App: To not just manage my life but lead my life. need a personal retreat to establish God-given vision and mission in accordance to where He's leading (circumstance), His Word, passion/interest, Wise counsel, wisdom.


Inspiring Poem by Ann Landers'!

To laugh is to risk appearing a fool
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental
To reach out for another is to risk involvement
To place expose feelings is to risk rejection
To place your dreams before the crowd is to risk ridicule
To love is to risk not being loved in return
To go forward in the face of overwhelming odds is to risk failure

A person who risks nothing may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he cannot learn, feel, change, grow, or love.


Good interactive analogy!

Get 2 ppl up and play arm wrestling. Let them know that they have 60s. Everytime one managed to press the other party down, he'll get a dollar. Rather than both of them struggling and have one winner in 60s, they can both take turns to let each other win within the 60s. In that way, they can achieve much more(dollars), together.

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